About life, love, office, food and drinks... active ingredients include gossip and whining, caramelized it with gluttony, smoked it like a bitch and then smothered it with loads of vodka...hot, spicy, greasy and totally junky noodle strains of existence.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nothing much...

Well if this blog was a person, it surely would’ve said, “the looooooongest time and no see! “. For days and weeks at a stretch I have been trying to think of a topic to write on, but at max I used to hit upon just titles... nothing more. And titles so many that I could form paragraphs just describing my love of naming my articles weirdly.

Not that I haven’t done anything past few weeks, but not done nothing much.. I read my first Dan Brown novel ( I had waited to get my hands on one for so long) The Lost Symbol.... and my wasn’t it good! The best history book I have ever read since school. Really, and then there was Deception Point. Overflowing with facts and information, too much to take at a go and then try to remember it late till later on. Not keeping it classified that it’s more the secret fascination for Robert Langdon and the yearning to be like him.

I have been picking up quite a lot lately. Really, be it new words/phrases (which I just make sure to use as often as possible lest they escape out of my head, much like a toddler who will keep running around everywhere because he now knows what legs were actually meant for!), new manners, new styles, stuff from the vegetable basket in the fridge, things from the floor, well just picking...

Much like as I would want to continue my constant yawning at this point is reminding me that I am in office, I don’t have many things to write on and that I haven’t worked at all today... and I sincerely hope that my TL never gets to learn of this blog!


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Life in Junky Lane..

Living in the heart of  Junky Town, life gets a tad dreary and not to mention lonely. By lonely I do not mean a lack of friends or family (we shall deal with that later!!), the sheer choices in the Junky Land makes life more complicated than our dear ancestors could have ever imagined it to be.
I mean think about it...in our Junky Town, in my case Delhi ,once you turn 18 a whole plethora of options burst out before you like a jhola full of old and new items and all of them seeming equally note-worthily interesting.  

In this town..you can become a) Doctor b) engineer c) graphic/fashion designer or since you happen to be a girl you may also play havoc with your good for nothing digestive tract and become a supermodel! And while you are at it...as in building and nurturing, what is known in most Junky Towns as a Career and in layman’s terms  a Job, you must hone your extra- curricular skills. And you’ve got to be really good at it!

And while you are pursuing your Career ,if things refuse to work in your favour or if your extra -curricular activities do not match up to the standards of your Junky Town, you can consider tying a rope around your ceiling fan and eventually your head...and thus end your term in the great ol’ Junky Land!
And hanging yourself on the fan is just one of the many options available!!!

Yes...life in Junky Town can get very very loneyly! The sheer Options can make you feel as if your are answering a series of multiple choice questions.. And the plurality of it all, never seems to end!

So what will it be..? A plate full of lip smackin’ Junky Chowmein or an orange juice?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Winters and work

(Obviously, you can understand that work has started again and my agenda remains, Close offices, Ban work!)

They both start with 'W' but are poles apart, like magnets of the same poles, they abhor each other. I mean really, isn't it a herculean task to get up in a winter morning that we add on piles of extra work to this season.
Any little thing you need to do which entails a contact with water, also entails an extra work of heating it up...
If you are not cozily snugged up inside the layers of blankets, an extra work is planning and calculating the exact ratio and line-up of clothes that you need to put on...
And of course, winters mean a little extra bit of hunger, so either you cook extra, order extra or fret extra about all the added tyres to your already growing paunch...
And in office, I'm almost always mentally cursing someone who still feels hot enough to keep the AC on and leaves me uncomfortable and at other times dreaming about tea/coffee/vodka (take your pick) with steaming hot pakodas. The result being, I have to work extra on Friday to actually make up for the whole of the week's target which i spent day-dreaming and writing mindless blog posts... (I can see that thought bubble next to your head now, which says, "Exactly!")

By the way, I'm sure you've noticed the ad on TV which says, "sardiyon may kuch extra chahiye"... I'm planning to sue them for copyright after all the idea is originally mine... I mean, just that I presented it in public a tad too late!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm Work-Freeeeeee!

I've done it, I've subdued the monster, I've emerged victorious. I'm a survivor!
Alright, I understand (and probably you do too, by now) that I got a little carried away. Well, that's not an exaggeration if you work in a publishing house and that too on an encyclopaedia. Phew! it is so liberating to have at last met all your deadlines and completed your scheduled work for a print cycle.
The result is an unbelievable, work-free rest of the week. I mean, today's Wednesday and I don't have a-n-y scheduled work for Thursday and Friday. Infact, this pleasant state-of-affairs could infact spill on to the next week. Do you get that, THE n-e-x-t w-e-e-k.
*pole vault*
*cowboy cry*
Ok, that's done, I feel better, its like I'm breathing after a long while. I'm writing this blog entry seena taan ke with no nagging worry of completing something that I left in the middle or the fear of my boss finding out I'm playing truant to work.
Rima (Rhyme)
P.S. All the stunts mentioned have been done theoretically only.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Time Check!

While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends, a college student led the way into the den.

"What is the big brass gong and hammer for?" one of his friends asked.

"That is the talking clock", the man replied.

"How's it work?" the friend asked.

"Watch", the man said then proceeded to give the gong an ear shattering pound with the hammer.

Suddenly someone screamed from the other side of the wall "KNOCK IT OFF, YOU IDIOT! It's two AM in the morning!

Well, Time is quite funny! Its bad when the going gets tough in life, amazing at a party, slow when you don't feel like working in office and its fastest when you are enjoying a holiday!
My seven years in a boarding school were supposed to make me realize its value, we had waking up time; PT time; eating time; studying time and reading time, and sleeping time. Everything had been carefully adjusted as per the scientific laws of making grand successes out of normal students.
Coming to Delhi to begin graduation was at a time when colleges seemed custom made only for superior certificates or big pockets, the very first time my parents and I both agreed that studying hard had been a waste of time for me. Still it never really stopped them from pushing me in the same direction in college.

There is also a time when you feel like telling those men in you life to start behaving like one. To treat you as you want them to (many times synonymous with Queen), give you what you want and stop fooling around, only to be told and later agree that it is not possible. They are way less imaginative than those heroes you had read about in books and begin to completely lose the initiative with time.

And then there is the good time... when you are surrounded by people like you, people who love and care for you, I mean friends of course!! That is a good breed of humans, you can complain, talk sense or nonsense, eat with, play with, sing and dance with. Time never changes them actually with calories or wrinkles or even a few more degrees and rarely ever t
urns them against you.

Today when I write this after being reminded a good many times, and literally being offered a treat for getting my fingers running over the keyboard, I have given it a shot and hope have made some use of my time (there is no doubt that you will feel I have wasted your time after you read this). And if that is how the case may be....

then, i am off......

Monday, October 18, 2010

Post-festive depression!

I'm bored like a puddle, I know that is as meaningless as it can sound but I'm so bored out of my brains, I cannot even seem to construct a decent sentence. I'm actually nodding with sleep in office while I thought of an interesting thing to do in office (obviously apart from work) and Lo! and behold! the only thing interesting to me at this point is plain old CRIBBING, WHINING and BITCHING!
The Durga puja has just concluded and I'm down in the dumps. I hate my *beep* with much more fervour than I did, I find my work more mind-numbingly bore than I did, I'm weighing at least a few kilos more than I did, I'm looking several inches more plump than I did. In short, life after the festivals is much more dull than it was before.
If you want to envision me now, I have my eyes glued to November 5th on the calendar. Thank God, I work in India.
You can't even begin to imagine how much it calms your frayed and frustrated nerves and lets you go along with life as usual. Try it and I assure you its going to be one immense help, drop in choicest abuses and while you're at it invent some. Okay, I'm rambling now!
Turns out, I don't want to work, but I know I just Have to. There is immense pressure of deadline in office and I can't seem to keep my eyes open to do that, the result is a splitting headache and a totally incoherent woman, which is me right now. You know what I'll just shut up.

Rima or Rhyme or whatever... zzzz........

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A While Ago..

Technologically speaking, I think no one can disagree  with the fact that we are moving at the speed of light. However sometimes it’s quite amusing to discover how our language  hasn’t been able to catch up with the changes in the tech world. For example the other day, on my way to office, it occurred to me that there was something really strange about the announcements chanted repeatedly in the metro. The voice repeatedly announces, " Be careful of any suspicious object in the metro for example a toy, briefcase, transistor etc." Though I have heard this announcement at least a million times…and have never thought of it to be strange, it suddenly rang a bell, who the hell uses a transistor these days? 

I do not mean to hurt the sentiments of those who still happen to use one, though I m quite sure if you wish your transistor to be repaired…the technician might just need the help of his boss, who has most likely passed away. And  I m quite sure, just like every other profession, terrorists too boast of their own upward moving career graph! Which terrorist with a promising track record..would plant a bomb in a transistor??

Well on a more serious note, we can safely say that, soon the concept of using a pen and paper to express our thoughts and ideas will seem  archaic and redundant. However will we still use phrases like..  It’s time to" wield the pen?” I think we will. The interesting thing about a phrase is that..it tests our knowledge of History more than our language skills. Hence for those of us..who are left with an extremely confused countenance in the presence of abundant usage of timeless proverbs, idioms and phrases,it’s time to go back a few years and capture those moments in history which have a lot to do with the times we live in ; where a mere touch can do what took a hours a few years back.

In such times, its nice to know that language does not move as fast and acts like a window to our past that we do not want to  forget so soon.